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I become member of CNA

General information



Thanks to your CNA network, you’ll be able to:

- benefit from the very advantageous partnership negotiated with the CIC bank: welcome offer of at least €150, low-cost account formula, reduced-rate loan, insurance, etc.

- create / be part of different groups by business sector, region, association, class to help you carry out your projects (internships, mobility abroad, entrepreneurship, association or sports projects)

- ask for a mentor to help you specify / define your professional project and support you during your schooling

- access the online directory listing 20,000 “Centraliens de Nantes” in France and abroad

- access the Centrale Carrières internship & job board (more than 3,000 offers per year) and the Centralien common directory (45,000 members) to obtain qualitative information on the business sectors, positions and companies that interest you by contacting the graduates who have passed through Centrale before you (and who are therefore ready to help you!), find your future internship, etc. More info

- create / take part in events and thus do not miss anything among the 500 opportunities offered to you each year to develop your own network



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