Joining Centrale Nantes Alumni (CNA) means:
→ support all actions to maintain the link, to offer you quality events to meet the Centralien alumni and build your personal and professional network.
→ access a range of services to support you throughout your professional and personal life (workshops, conferences, continuing education, mentoring).
Overview of services and advantages:
- Access the network of 25,000 Centraliens de Nantes with a multi-criteria search more in depth than on LinkedIn by business sectors, company, region / country, promotion, diploma or course, center of interest thanks to the online directory. Watch this video to make the best use of all the features of our "nantralien" directory and thus target the right profiles to contact! You can also find practical advice to optimize your contacts with Centralien graduates in this article.
- Be accompanied by professionals, with privileged access to Career services: individual or collective coaching (co-development sessions), personal and professional development workshops, help in writing CVs / cover letters, interview simulations recruitment, psychometric tests, webinars etc... to build yourself personally and professionally. More info on this webpage.
- Have a mentor to be accompanied by a "Centralien de Nantes" graduate whose profile corresponds to the business sector(s), position(s), company(ies) that you target or to discuss your personal or associative projects. More info on this webpage.

- To be able to contact the leaders of regional, international, professional, thematic, cultural, sports groups or of think tanks to benefit from advice / tips in terms of business sectors, positions, professional, administrative procedures, accommodation, bars, restaurants, sports clubs, walks, cultural outings etc... or simply if you want to be informed of Centralien events organized near you and meet other Centralien and Supélec alumni who live in your region, work in the same business sector as you, practise the same sport or have common interests. All the info on this webpage.
- Access "Annuaire des Centraliens" online directory, common with the Alumni Associations of Centrale Lille, Marseille, Nantes, which brings together 60,000 Centraliens! You can find practical advice to optimize your search for an internship, job etc... and your contacts with Centralien graduates in this article. Also discover all the functionalities of Centrale Carrières platform by watching this video.
- Have a lifelong Centralien email address (redirection alias to the email address of your choice, thus allowing you to stay in contact permanently with the Centralien network and recruiters). All the info in this article.
- Support the development of the Centralien network in France and abroad and support your School. Join all the regional, international, professional, cultural, sports, class groups or think tanks that you're interested in via this webpage.
- Access the digital edition of the magazine "L'Hippocampe", a quarterly magazine containing technical articles on innovative / topical themes around engineering as well as in-depth features to discover the activities of Centralien de Nantes and all Centralien and Supélec alumni. More info on this webpage.
- Take part at a preferential rate in the 500 events organized per year on the national scale or by regional, international, professional, cultural and sports groups: Business Days, "Week-End Nantralien", Annual Day of CNA, afterworks, conferences, thematic lunches / dinners, cultural visits, solidarity races etc... with specific actions for students and young graduates in France and abroad. Find all the events on the online agenda.
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- Benefit from advantages and reductions (bank offers ; vehicle, ski, snowboard rentals etc.): find all the good deals on this webpage.
- Share values: