Check out replays of key events from the Centralien network and Centrale Nantes (YouTube channels of your  School and Centrale Nantes Alumni).

  • Webinars 

Data Stars: How to manage your professional development? Headhunter's feedback sharing

  • Conference given by Pascal PICQ,  paleoanthropologist,  regarding societal and planetary issues following the health crisis

Conference given on the occasion of the welcome evening for 2020 graduates and future graduates organized online on 01/11/2021: link to the video (from 0:37:33, you can also click on the timing shown in blue in the description under the video)

  • Business conferences around the themes of energy, tech, ecological transition, the sea...

Matinales de la Transition Ecologique
With Jean-Marc Jancovici, Dominique Bourg, Valérie Cabannes, Simon Ducasse, Yannick Roudeau, Mathieu Orphelin, Clément Choisne...

Centrale Energies Conferences
Articles and replays on technical, economic, Renewable Marine Energies, biogas, IT security of energy systems, SMR, selfconsumption... 

CentraleTransition Conferences
Replays and presentations on  objectives of sustainable development: how to act internationally ? The economy of functionality and cooperation, decoupling and peak oil...

AR Renewable Energies  the real solution? 
Aurélien Babarit, teacher-researcher at Centrale Nantes, responsible of the Marine Enrergies and  Ocean department.

#1 -  Benevolent Management  with Gaël CHATELAIN

#2 - Recruitment of Tomorrow - Discussion between 2 HR Experts

#3 -Towards More Human Relationships and Consideration in Companies ? 11

#4 - The Job Search of Tomorrow with Christel DE FOUCAULT

#5 - Towards an Optimistic Future of Work with  Catherine TESTA

#6 - Human Resources of Tomorrow with Florence MARTY

#7 - HR Innovations of Tomorrow with Jérémy LAMRI

  • Testimonies

Fast and Career - Graduates Interviews

Career abroad - Going to work to... San Francisco,  Montreal, or Spain with the testimonies of expatriates graduates

Review the higlights of the  exceptional Journées du Centenaire of Centrale Nantes from 2019 !